
  • Use WASD to move
  • Use SPACE to attack
  • Survive 10 rounds
  • +1 Enemies per Round

Resource Name

Energy (Temporary Currency)

Resource Description

The anchor resource present in our game is the energy the player can use to spend on attacks.

Mechanic Name 

Multiple Rounds

Mechanic Description

Player engages in an activity for a certain duration or number of actions then the activity is similarly repeated multiple times while the outcome of each round accumulating in some way.

Implementation Description

We have designed a 2D top-down survivor style game in which the player can send out attacks to waves of oncoming enemies. Enemies spawn outside of the screen and will deal damage to the player on contact. During a round, players are given an amount of an "energy" resource that they are able to use to send out attacks. This resource refills over time. At the end of the wave a prompt appears that gives the player the choice to either increase their health or increase their energy. This is to demonstrate the existence of a long term goal that is impacted by the player's actions across each round.

Description of Pattern Relation to Playable Prototype

Our pattern "You Can Only Use This Here, So Use It" suggests that temporary resources are added to round-based strategy games in order to encourage players to focus on the immediate challenges that are present to them rather than having them prioritize their long term goals. In our playable concept we've implemented the energy resource to be one that is limited and would not carry over across rounds. This allows the player to use this resource on attacks based on the immediate present challenges (the enemies) rather than feeling the need to hold onto it for future use. The resource's use is limited to assisting the player's short term strategy rather.

Mechanic and Resource Relationship Analysis

When it comes to any in-game resource players may have a reluctance to spend it simply having more of a resource is viewed as being in a more advantageous position. If the player is unsure of how difficult sequential rounds will be, they may hoard that resource. In the worst case scenario, players may hoard that resource until it has passed its usefulness or hoard it until they win the game. If the designer has included the resource for the sake of being used, this dynamic will detract from the intended player experience. The relationship between multiple rounds and a temporary currency is to encourage the player to use the currency while they have it, in the current round, as hoarding the temporary currency is not possible.

Design Pattern Description

To encourage players to focus on the immediate challenge presented to them, designers can implement a temporary resource that only exists in the context of the immediate challenge. By providing players with a temporary resource with implications pertaining only to the immediate challenge, players are able to focus on the strategic aspect of the encounter, without worrying about any long lasting consequences of their actions in the encounter affecting the rest of their long term strategy.

Pattern Link

You Can Only Use This Here, So Use It


All assets used for this playable concept are original except for those listed below:


  • "Lato" font by Łukasz Dziedzic - Used with permission under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1(Asset Link)


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